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(Download Kick-Ass 2) After inspiring a wave of new people to don costumes and fight crime, David Lizewski (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) comes out of retirement, and once again becomes Kick-Ass. With Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz)(Kick-Ass 2 Download) sidelined by a need to be a “normal teenager”, Kick-Ass joins Justice Forever, a superhero club run by a former Mafia thug, turned born-again superhero calling himself Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey). Meanwhile, wanting to avenge the death of his father, Chris D'Amico (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), aka Red Mist, has decided to reinvent himself as a super-villain named “The Motherf**ker”, complete with his own army of psychos.








I have great news for everyone who loved the first KICK-ASS. While Matthew Vaughn isn't back as director (although he's still a producer),(Download Kick-Ass 2 Movie) KICK-ASS 2 is just about as good as the first film, meaning- if you'll forgive the cliché- it kicks ass!




























(Download Kick-Ass 2) I'll admit I was sceptical, with writer-director Jeff Wadlow's last credit being the teen MMA flick NEVER BACK DOWN. Wadlow has really picked up exactly where Vaughn left off and run with it, as if you'd seen it minus the credits and the knowledge that Vaughn wasn't back, you'd never think 2 wasn't directed by the same guy as the original. It feels like a pretty seamless continuation.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) In a (slight) departure from the first film, Kick-Ass is no longer quite as hopeless in a fight as he once was, thanks to months of training by Hit-Girl, leaving him with a six-pack and some serious muscles to flex. Johnson's so perfect in the part, hitting just the right balance between being goofy and serious when the moment calls for it. The stuff with Kick-Ass and Justice Forever- which counts among it's members the drop-dead sexy Night Bitch and the wimpy do-gooder Doctor Gravity (played by SCRUBS' Donald Faison)- is terrific.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) While he's distanced himself from the movie, Jim Carrey steals every scene he's in as the goombah-ish Colonel Stars and Stripes. Nearly unrecognizable under a layer of prosthetic makeup, Carrey seems to be having a blast busting heads and talking like a wiseguy, even if now he says he can't get behind the finished product. That's too bad, because he's great in it.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Having not read the comics, I can't tell you how closely it follows Mark Millar's series, but for the sequel, Hit-Girl's pretty much moved up to being the co-lead. Heck, they could have even called it KICK-ASS & HIT-GIRL (doesn't have quite the same ring as KICK-ASS 2 though), which would have been pretty accurate considering how their screen-time is divvied up. More of Moretz as Hit-Girl is always a good thing. Her side-plot- where she's ushered into life as a(Download Kick-Ass 2) “Mean Girl” type high-schooler by a music video (a pretty hilarious, and accurate spoof of One Direction)- could have gone disastrously wrong, but ends up being just as much fun as any of the superhero business. That said, you can still expect Moretz to get into plenty of ultra-violent scraps. Like Johnson, the part feels tailor-made for her, and one she can probably keep playing for years to come.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Meanwhile, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who's gone on to prove himself as a pretty consistently funny guy since SUPERBAD (unbelievable that came out six years ago), chews the scenery as the diabolical baddie “The Motherf**ker” who- wouldn't ya know it- also turns out to be a real motherf**ker with the evil shenanigans he gets into. For the first two-thirds of the movie,(Download Kick-Ass 2) KICK-ASS 2 is mostly going for laughs, but after a particularly nasty turn of events, it gets surprisingly dark, more-or-less closing out as a legit (if gonzo and crazy) superhero flick, albeit one with tons of R-rated ultra-violence. My only complaint here would be that the action scenes are maybe slightly less memorable than they were in the first movie (nothing matches Hit-Girl's introduction or when Big Daddy took on a warehouse full of thugs). Still, a few of them standout, such as a fun part where Hit-Girl fights baddies on a speeding SUV, which is a lot like an action scene out of an obscure, but great,(Download Kick-Ass 2) eighties Donnie Yen Hong Kong flick IN THE LINE OF DUTY 4 (or is it 3? I dunno). Wonder if that maybe inspired Wadlow???


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Overall, I really can't see anyone who liked the first KICK-ASS not digging this one too. It has the same manic, cheeky, ultra-violent but cartoonishly fun sensibility. Of course, the opposite is also true. If you hated the first one, this isn't going to change your mind. However, as far as I'm concerned the KICK-ASS series is the ironic breath of fresh-air the increasingly epic legions of superhero movies needs every couple of years. I had a blast.


Young superhero Kick-Ass doesn’t have any real powers. But he’s resourceful, dependable and can take a beating.


That pretty much describes “Kick-Ass 2.”


(Download Kick-Ass 2) It’s hard to defend this follow-up to the 2010 modest hit — and critics will no doubt chastise the graphic violence, as co-star Jim Carrey already has — but it delivers an oh-so-satisfying saga of revenge, laced with dark, kinky humor.

We catch up with Kick-Ass in his real life as Dave (the solid Aaron Taylor-Johnson), a high school senior “dying of boredom” who longs to fight crime again. Also pining to get back in the game is 15-year-old Mindy (Chloe Grace Moretz), whose lethal alter ego Hit-Girl doesn’t have much use for Dave.


“I’m in the NFL. You play Pee Wee,” she dismisses.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Fortunately, the exploits of Kick-Ass have inspired countless New York citizens. So Dave joins a team of costumed heroes called Justice Forever that functions more like a support group for victims of violent crime. (Among the members are a husband and wife whose image of their missing child decorates their uniforms.)


Colonel Stars and Stripes (an aberrantly subtle Carrey) is their born-again, camo-garbed leader, whose brutal tactics earn the attention of the underworld.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) That underworld is now led by former hero Chris, aka Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), who rightly blames Kick-Ass for murdering his father.


“My super power is I’m incredibly rich,” Chris says.


He assembles a cadre of formidable thugs, gives them new identities and garish outfits, and vows to destroy the city. That leaves Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl to thwart his plans.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) It’s certainly amusing seeing new heroes emerge, such as Dr. Gravity (Donald Faison), who convinces enemies he’s created a staff that can levitate objects — when in reality he just wields a spiked club. But the true revelation in “Kick-Ass 2” is witnessing the old characters grow and embark on new journeys.


Moretz is especially impressive. A mere kid in the first film, the confident actress now plays a high schooler whose transition is fraught with conventional social dangers, as when she runs afoul of the head drill-teamer (Claudia Lee) or goes on a first date.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) She assures her adoptive father (Morris Chestnut), “Don’t worry about me. I can kill a man with his own finger.”


As displayed in “Let Me In” and “Hugo,” Moretz is gifted at internalizing emotions. Her Mindy talks as if she’s always thinking about something — or someone — else. You empathize with this outcast.


But once decked in her purple wig and leather battle gear, she becomes more deadly than Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt. In the film’s slickest sequence, Hit-Girl dispatches thugs while atop a speeding van.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Writer-director Jeff Wadlow (whose next project is Marvel’s “X-Force”) struggles to get his footing in the first act. He lacks the assurance Matthew Vaughn brought to the initial adaptation of the Mark Millar/John Romita Jr. comic book. The contrapuntal humor often falls flat, and the action (mostly Mindy’s attempts to train Dave) comes across more jittery than kinetic.


However, as the conflicts take shape, the movie settles into a welcome rhythm. The third act turns dark and raises the stakes, forcing the “retired” heroes back into action. This leads to a gratifying (though rather conventional) showdown where the remaining squads of good and evil square off. Ass-kicking does indeed ensue.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) During one of the picture’s lighter moments, Chris sits around his lair dreaming up names to call new enforcers, such as Black Death and Genghis Carnage. When he’s accused of relying on racial stereotypes, he defends the accusation, claiming they are “archetypes.”


That’s really the crux of the sequel: archetypes. Despite its genre-busting origin, this is simply good guys vs. bad guys material. And credit to “Kick-Ass 2,” you desperately root for the good guys to win.


Kick-Ass 2 offers the same schtick as the first film. Fans of the 2010 film should know what to expect from its sequel.


(Download Kick-Ass 2) Two years after the first real superhero Kick-Ass came on to the scene, there are an abundance of superheroes wishing to fight crime. While Dave wishes to team up and continue his crusade, Mindy reluctantly retires her Hit-Girl persona for high school…


Kick-Ass had its flaws, although it was an entertaining movie. This sequel is not as enjoyable as the first film. The narrative of Kick-Ass 2 is heavier. It is a story of adolescence as much as superheroes.


The theme of identity runs throughout the film, as it does in the majority of superhero movies. The identity crisis of Mindy is handled well, and there are some amusing high school sequences. Otherwise the theme of culpability, particularly in the second half of the film, is laid on thick.

(Download Kick-Ass 2) Kick-Ass 2 is rather serious in terms of consequences.For the real world setting, there is a lot of death. The fact that there are numerous fatalities negates the power of these. That is to say, the impact of these tragedies is not really felt as it moves quickly on to the next one.


The first film was something of a parody of the superhero genre. This film loses the sense of parody, or commentary really, and is almost entirely assimilated by the genre. There are still some amusing references to comics and superhero films, but Kick-Ass 2 lacks the awareness of its predecessor.


Kick-Ass 2 is an incredibly violent film. The graphic violence seems to be there to shock. The device of a cute young girl using strong language grew tired in the first movie, but it is still included here, presumably as an attempt to generate laughs. Performances are decent from both new and returning cast members.


The first film was enjoyable enough,(Watch Kick-Ass 2 Online) if over-hyped. Kick-Ass 2 is never boring, but equally fails to satisfy.


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